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The Lozier Family Kiko Ranch

Breeder of Michigan's most Majestic Kiko's

PBG Shogun's Mindy #347

SOLD-AKGA/NKR Registered Purebred

Goat , Kiko , Doe (female) |Tan

AKGA# 13P347PBG12, NKR# N13F0347PBG7 | DOB: 4/17/2013

Sire: CGI Shogun
Dam: PBG Molly
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Retained by Lozier Family Ranch (Indiana purchase)
Single, b/wt. 7.5#, 90 day wt. 60#

Ultrasound confirmed pregnant with triplets!
KIDDED A BUCKLING @7.27#, A DOELING @8.59#, AND A DOELING @7.12# ON 2/20/21!

Penned with Loki 9/19/21
***Witnessed breeding 9/27***
(removed from Loki's pen 10/9/21)

11/6/21 Ultrasound confirmed bred

2/28/22 Kidded Twins
6.4# buckling
5.7# doeling

Updated 12/12/2022